LESPROJEKT-SLUŽBY Ltd, as a small innovative firm, has vast experience in applying research results in practice. A long-term focus of LESPROJEKT-SLUŽBY Ltd is on commercialization of research results as products and services. LESPROJEKT-SLUŽBY Ltd plays a crucial role in the market for more than 20 years and focuses mainly on commercial activities in environment, crisis management, forestry, agriculture and transport. The results from previous research activities are offered mainly as services, e.g. SaaS (Software as a Services), PaaS (Platform as a Service) a IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service).
The work in this area is in next directions: Analysis of geospatial data, tools for data collection from sensors using so called mobile unit, Integration of collected data with SDI using Sensor Web Enablement principles. Currently Lesprojekt sluzby is working on integration of Earth Observation, Wireless Sensor Network based on FIWARE and FOODIE technologies with Spatial Data Infrastructure. For the Exploratory Visualization for Agriculture project are important experiences of Lesprojekt sluzby from LernSens project analysing streaming data and from Farm Telemetry projects.
- Information technology,
- Internet/Intranet,
- Geographical information systems (GIS),
- Remote sensing and image processing.
Main activities of organisation range from data capture and management to design, development and deployment of geographical information systems (GIS).