Welcome to the 3rd edition of our DEMETER newsletter.

Hope everyone is keeping well in these Covid times.

The theme of this newsletter is ‘Farmers First’ and understanding how DEMETER is empowering farmers by ensuring that technology solutions are optimal to the farmer’s existing context and expressed needs. Understanding farmers’ experiences with technology and within the DEMETER project is central to DEMETER’s success.

In this edition we:

  • Share the results of our recent survey to DEMETER pilot farmers to better understand their needs, interests and concerns.
  • Talk to farmers involved in the pilots to learn more about their experiences.
  • Hear from the World Farmers‘ Organisation (WFO) to better understand the barriers and incentives to farmers’ adoption of digital technologies.
  • Learn more about the DEMETER Multi-Actor Approach ensuring farmers’ needs are understood and met.
  • Introduce the DEMETER Stakeholders Open Collaboration Space (SOCS) and how it will benefit farmers.

We also highlight some interesting events and publications.

If you’ve any questions or comments please get in touch with us on social media or email info@h2020-demeter.eu

Project Coordinator

DEMETER newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/1104bad41c0e/demeter-newsletter-issue-3-february-2021?e=[UNIQID]