AgriFuture Day 17th Dec 2018 – ICT for Agriculture, Vienna
Club of Ossiach and PROGIS are excited to announce the 6th AGRIFUTRE DAYS will be taking place in Vienna, Austria, on 17th December 2018. Kindly find preliminary agenda and registration form here:
This year’s AgriFuture Day, taking place 1 day before the EU-Africa Forum, will bring together senior executives and experts from science and economy concerning rural management, technology providers, and leading financial service providers, to discuss the latest challenges and developments making an impact on planning and management of the agro-forest-environment sector globally, topically with focus on Europe and Africa.
A quick update about the most important news:
PROGIS could move forward technologically in cooperation with GI GmbH (Geomatic Intelligence), PROGIS International (financing group) as well asthe Vienna-based Club SDCC (SAFER digital country Consortium – new-founded Club aiming group to synergetic selected companies that have expertise and / or technologies for planning, management or control of rural areas and focus to the needs of agriculture, forestry, environment or related sectors). Synergetic partners are welcome.
This is expressed in new EU projects in co-operation with ATOS (largest IT group of Europe) and Internet project development with Microsoft´s azure platform, as well as integration of the new EU-Sentinel II satellite images and others with EO4AGRI(bringing together the knowledge for better agriculture monitoring) supports EC activities in the field of satellite imagery all over the world, as well as their impact on planning and management of agro – forestry and environmental tasks and EC subsidies for agriculture and forestry.
Beside single users we focus on entire country solutions to integrate all user-groups. With IDIMA (IDentification of IMAges) as WinGIS module, an IT tool, which can overtake the analysis and automatic digitization of images, will be ready beginning 2019. With the product in conjunction with images it will in future be possible, to be able to identify, analyze, evaluate and digitize global ecological problems. For this purpose, it is planned to establish a training centre with the Club of Ossiach in Austria. The Club of Ossiach participates in the EU project EUXDAT (European e-infrastructure for extreme data analytics in sustainable development) .