DEMETER 2020 – Interview Series: Dr. Ing. Jaroslav SMEJKAL from LESPROJEKT
In the latest edition of our interview series, we catch up with Dr. Ing. Jaroslav SMEJKAL from LESPROJEKT who is leading the pilot project 2.3 focusing on Data Brokerage Service and Decision Support System for Farm Management. Project partners Asplan Viak Internet as , Wielkopolski Ośrodek Doradztwa Rolniczego w Poznaniu and
Poznańskie Centrum Superkomputerowo-Sieciowe PCSS are also involved in the pilot.
This pilot runs in farms with crops, vegetables, potato production and livestock production across Czech Republic, Poland, Latvia and Norway.
#agriculture #data #H2020 #decisionsupport #integration #precisionfarming #farmer #agritech
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